Monday 23 January 2012

Christopher Sziranyi - First day Filming - 20th January

Yesterday we filmed a major part of our music video which we thought went very well. The first part of our music video is filmed in Crystal Palace Park which was a suitable location because of multiple areas which will be highlighted in this post.

This first image shows a housing estate which represents the lower class and is shown in the first scene of the music video to show that the main character starts off at the lowest point and eventually throughout the song rises through the ranks.
These next few images show the stairs at Crystal Palace Park which we thought was a good way to represent moving up in life. As you can see by the picture, the first part of the stairs are broken, seem dated and are covered by grass and gravel and looks poorly made which could represent the lower class aswell. The next two parts of the stairs are made of stone and look much better in contrast to the first which shows moving up through the ranks. In the music video Nathan is running up each step (not skipping any) which represents how you have to move up step by step and  cannot simply skip to success - this idea was contributed by Tyrone.

At the end of the session we each filmed eachother giving some feedback on how the day went, any problems we had to overcome. These videos will be shown in a later post. Here is a picture of each of us on location.

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