Thursday 29 March 2012

Christopher Sziranyi - Feedback of Rough Cut

After showing our Rough Cut to the class, we got some very useful feedback which we will be able to use when making adjustments to our music video. The first and most important thing we need to change is the smoothenss of the video. In fairness, part of this was due to us not having some of the clips and having to make do with the clips we had. A good example of this is when Nathan throws the hat on the ground, and instantly starts running with the hat on again. We will quickly shoot these scenes again and in general make the transitions between cuts more smooth.

Another problem we had was the lack of a third band member for the 'flashback' part of the video. Because of this we only had 2 band members which created the unintentional portrayal of a 'relationship memories' scene. Again, this is something that will be re-filmed.

There was also a scene in the music video closer to the end, where the music cuts out and there is a scene of Nathan walking into the studio and being told that he is late. After this it cuts straight to the band performing. This scene didn't work well and according to the class it disrupted the flow of the music video. Therefore, we will get rid of this section completely.

There were also some minor issues which we as a group knew about but the class didn't necessarily notice. An example of this is in the beginning of the music video when I edited a split screen effect on Nathan jumping up from the bench. After jumping up from each angle, there seems to be a shaking effect which was also unintended.

The final thing I think we need is more cut-away shots which would remove some of the awkward transitions between Nathan running, and in general improve the smoothness of the video. If we are able to overcome all of these problems I think the music video could still be very successful as I believe it has potential.

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