Monday 2 April 2012

Tyrone Francis- The Gallery

Original Picture
For the band website I have edited a couple of pictures of rock band concerts to make it personal to the band and give off the feel of a real band which performs.

This is the original picture of a rock concert which i took and edited. Originally the band consisted of four members, there was a man on the left of the picture in a checkered shirt and the writing on the back of the stage said the word 'ROCK' (all circled). The lighting of the concert was a;so dominantly green which went against the bands chosen colour scheme of red which we have used consistently throughout the website

1st Edit

This is the 1st edited picture which i created. Originally I only changed the back drop to SUM41 in order to make it more personal and removed the fourth band member as our band only has 3 members. i also removed the person on the right hand side.
Final Edited Picture

This is the final edited picture which included the changes stated above but also changed the colour of the lighting to red to match the scheme of our website.
Original Picture
This is another picture of a rock band concert. This is the original.

Edited Version

This is the edited version of the picture. The only thing which I edited in this picture is the video on the screens. I replaced the original pictures with a screen shot from our video to make it seem like our production is playing on the screens for the crowd to see. 

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