Monday 28 November 2011

Tyrone Francis-Changes we have discussed to make to the video

Due to use realizing that most groups are planning to film in Southbank we discussed and agreed that it would be better for our video to look more original if we didn’t all have similar scenery.
And so because of this we have decided to film our intro shot in crystal Palace Park, we feel that this idea will also be better for us on a whole as it can link in with the common conception that hobos sleep on park benches.
Another thing we have decided to change is to get rid of the skaters and bikers shot near the end of the video, as we felt this did not link in well with the song and so have come up with the idea to do a short of "flashback" shot of the band enjoying themselves drinking and laughing, we feel this will also be effective as to how it can correspond with the previous shots of people laughing in the park.

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