Monday 19 December 2011

Christopher Sziranyi - My Contributions So Far

Throughout the past 4 months a lot of work has been done and we are now at the point where we can begin recording. I have been a huge motivational factor to the success of the team and have always been there to sort out any technical difficulties the group may encounter.
One of the more important tasks that I have completed so far has been the creation of a questionnaire on surveymonkey asking our potential audience about the song we have chosen. I had to make sure the questions I asked encouraged people to answer in a more detailed way and therefore I did not include many multiple choice questions as these are less useful when finding out qualitative information. I received some minor help from my team in deciding which questions are most suitable.
I then waited until we received a suitable number of survey completions before I analysed the results. This encompassed gathering all of the answers that were given to each question and document it in a general form mentioning any key points that were stated. An example of this could be shown on the question "What kind of elements do you think would relate to the lyrics", as one of the better answers was to show the progression of a person's life from poverty to success. We ended up using this idea.
Finally, I filmed one of the 3 production meetings in which we discuss what we have done so far.
The biggest tasks however, still lies ahead of me as I will be editing the majority if not all of the music video. This will be done on Sony Vegas 10, CINEMA 4D, Adobe After Effects, and Photoshop. A combination of these should ensure a professional looking final cut.

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