Monday 10 October 2011

Nathan Larkin - 1st draft of script

1) Hobo on ground begging for money
2)Man in suit walks past spitting on him and walks away
3) Hobo stands up kicking box away in rage and starts shoutiong first part of some as song starts and begins running down street
4) camera shots of him from all angels circling him as he starts running
5) ends up at riverside and runs past group of people chatting and enjoying selves
6) close up of people laughing in slow motion and seeing hobo watching them from far away
7) hobo throws hat on floor in anger  and looking around to other places
8) notices bikers and skaters has cuts to monatge of sorts of bikers and skaters performing tricks
9) cuts to guy in suit being shouted at and fired by boss
10) back to hobo running in park wiping forhead and taking off fake wig and beard
11) running up steps taking off big puffy jacket to reveal him in better clothing
12) runs into room with other band members ready waiting for him
13) Song cuts out and band member says "he man what took you so long"?
14) he picks up guitar and starts playing
15) band start playing with 'audiance' being baloons stuck on chairs with faces drawn on them
16) manager walks in telling them they have 5 minutes till the real show starts.

Tyrone Francis- Treatment

Sum 41- No Reason
By Tyrone Francis

The song which are are creating a video for is of the Punk-Rock genre. Punk-Rock videos gernerally involve alot of editing throughout their videos showing a large variety of shot types. The band who made the song which we are creating the video for have created a number of songs of this genre, however our video will be unique to our style, so it will not be like any video produced by this band for any other music video.
The visuals of the music video will not directly match the lyrics word for word or line for line but will instead interpret the overall meaning of the song, mainly focusing on the title 'No Reason'. This is why we have chosen to make the main character in our video a hobo (homeless person), because a hobo has 'No Reason'.

Throughout the song, the lyrics talk about change and taking control of your own destiny so for this reason gradually throughout the video the hobo will change and take control of his own destiny until eventually towards the end of the video he has a purpose. Lyrics such as:
All of us believe
That this is not up to you
The fact of the matter is
That it's up to me
back up this point. At this point in the song is when the hobo will begin to take control of his life. The way that the video will be made will make it seem like the hobo is the one singing the song or as if the lyrics are running through his mind, like the audience can hear his thoughts.

The target audience of this music video would be those who enjoy listening to Punk/Rock music from lower class area, ranging from teenagers to young adults (from 14-35 year olds). For this reason the visuals can not be explicit and no violence can be involved. The reason that the target audience must come from a lower class area is because then they will be able to understand the hobos lifestyle and what he goes through. Not because they will have experienced it but because they will have seen hobos around whereas in an upperclass area they are less likely to understand what the character is going through or have seen a hobo themself. The music is mainly directed at males (although a few females may take interest). We found this out from our user survey results.

As our video is of our character progressing through life the mise-en-scene will be constantly changing. There will be a variety of different locations used such as the streets of South Norwood and Croydon, all the way to Southbank where we shall film some skateboarders. We may also use Wandle Park skate area. Each of these locations are quite urban and 'ghetto' which is the type of location you would expect a hobo to originate from. As he progresses and changes into a new person the mise-en-scene will change with him until eventually he ends up on the stage taking the spot as lead singer of the band. The editing will be key for our video as this is a video for a rock/punk song and this genre generally has quite unorthodox editing in its videos. For editing we will use the programme Sony Vegas Pro. The reason for this is because this programme proved successful for a previous assignment and there is alot of flexibility with the editing on this programme such as with the transitions, effects and so forth.

Nathan Larkin - Mood Board

Mood board

Ideas for clothing:
From looking at different images of the band, I can determine that they seem to dress in casual clothing; this will be easy for us to film this way due to how we don’t need any specific clothing to dress actors playing the band members to look.

Business men:
For the business men costumes, all we really need is suits. This will be easy to do due to how we all wear suits for school so this will cause no problem.


For the hobo design, we were thinking of having a big puffy jacket and having a fake bear and wig in order to show how he has been homeless.
This should be ok as all we need is the wig and fake beard as I already have a big puffy jacket which would be suitable.

For the hobo design, we were thinking of having a big puffy jacket and having a fake bear and wig in order to show how he has been homeless.
This should be ok as all we need is the wig and fake beard as I already have a big puffy jacket which would be suitable.

Ideas for location:

Skaters and bikers –

For the video we would need the hobo to run past all the things me “wishes he could do in life” and so we could go down to south bank in London and ask the skaters and bikers there as I doubt they would say no.

High street –
Due to us needing to start out with the hobo in the street, I thought it would be better for him to be in a packed high street with no-one paying any attention to him.