Monday 10 October 2011

Nathan Larkin - 1st draft of script

1) Hobo on ground begging for money
2)Man in suit walks past spitting on him and walks away
3) Hobo stands up kicking box away in rage and starts shoutiong first part of some as song starts and begins running down street
4) camera shots of him from all angels circling him as he starts running
5) ends up at riverside and runs past group of people chatting and enjoying selves
6) close up of people laughing in slow motion and seeing hobo watching them from far away
7) hobo throws hat on floor in anger  and looking around to other places
8) notices bikers and skaters has cuts to monatge of sorts of bikers and skaters performing tricks
9) cuts to guy in suit being shouted at and fired by boss
10) back to hobo running in park wiping forhead and taking off fake wig and beard
11) running up steps taking off big puffy jacket to reveal him in better clothing
12) runs into room with other band members ready waiting for him
13) Song cuts out and band member says "he man what took you so long"?
14) he picks up guitar and starts playing
15) band start playing with 'audiance' being baloons stuck on chairs with faces drawn on them
16) manager walks in telling them they have 5 minutes till the real show starts.

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