Monday 10 October 2011

Nathan Larkin - Mood Board

Mood board

Ideas for clothing:
From looking at different images of the band, I can determine that they seem to dress in casual clothing; this will be easy for us to film this way due to how we don’t need any specific clothing to dress actors playing the band members to look.

Business men:
For the business men costumes, all we really need is suits. This will be easy to do due to how we all wear suits for school so this will cause no problem.


For the hobo design, we were thinking of having a big puffy jacket and having a fake bear and wig in order to show how he has been homeless.
This should be ok as all we need is the wig and fake beard as I already have a big puffy jacket which would be suitable.

For the hobo design, we were thinking of having a big puffy jacket and having a fake bear and wig in order to show how he has been homeless.
This should be ok as all we need is the wig and fake beard as I already have a big puffy jacket which would be suitable.

Ideas for location:

Skaters and bikers –

For the video we would need the hobo to run past all the things me “wishes he could do in life” and so we could go down to south bank in London and ask the skaters and bikers there as I doubt they would say no.

High street –
Due to us needing to start out with the hobo in the street, I thought it would be better for him to be in a packed high street with no-one paying any attention to him.

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